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Through this project we hope to, educate people about the struggles, the types, and the causes of eating disorder's. We hope to eliminate misinformation on the topic and help teenagers that could be suffering from an eating disorder

Our Social Issue

Eating disorders amongst teenagers.

Why We Chose It

We chose the social issue of eating disorders because eating disorders are most commonly found in girls from ages 12-25 and as members of an all girls secondary school we felt it was important for us to raise awareness of an issue that students in our school suffer from. We are hoping to raise awareness and eliminate misinformation surrounding eating disorders. We hope our project can make a difference to other people in our community.

Our Goal

Our team hopes to raise awareness and eliminate misinformation which will help to stop the stigma that comes with an eating disorder. We hope that by doing this project we can help people especially those in our school community so that they don’t have to suffer alone with an unhealthy relationship with food that they might not even know is an eating disorder.

Our Innovative Action

We have created an information PowerPoint about eating disorders for teachers to show students during SPHE classes. We have created an Instagram page @ifeelpretty_ysi to help students improve their body image and to learn that they don’t need to look like the unrealistic beauty standards they are used to seeing on social media. We have emailed organisations with experience with eating disorders to see if there is anything we should be doing in our project to help raise awareness about the topic of eating disorders.

Our Impact

Our project has made a positive difference to the students in our school. We have created a PowerPoint to teach them about eating disorders and how they can develop. We felt that this was making a positive difference as it could help students realise that they or someone they know is suffering from an eating disorder. We also positive quotes about loving yourself on social media to help counteract the unrealistic beauty standards we see on social media. We feel that these actions have made a positive impact on the student in our school.