Your Voice Matters. Share your thoughts!
The YSI team are youth-led and everyday we strive to listen, hear and make space for young peoples experiences, ideas and innovative solutions for a better tomorrow.
We want you to share your thoughts, ideas and dreams with us to help us all connect and work together!
Read more about what Gen Z are thinking about the future, check out the quizzes and polls below and share your feedback and ideas with us and other young social innovators.
Research, polls quizzes and more 👇

Take Our Pride Quiz!
2 minutes
Take Our Pride Quiz!
Take our quiz and see how much you know about Pride!
2 minutes

What are Gen Z thinking about?
2 minutes
What are Gen Z thinking about?
Young Social Innovators (YSI) teamed up with Amárach Research to conduct a study on Generation Z (Gen Z) in Ireland. We wanted to know what Gen Z are currently thinking about.
2 minutes

Serbia: 10 Days of Transformational Exchange
2 minutes
Serbia: 10 Days of Transformational Exchange
Find out how a group of YSI students enjoyed an Erasmus Plus Programme in Serbia!
2 minutes

How do Gen Z get their News?
1 minute
How do Gen Z get their News?
We want to know how you (Gen Z) get your news!
1 minute

What Kind of Social Innovator Are You?
What Kind of Social Innovator Are You?
Have you considered what kind of social innovator you are? Do you know that there are a variety of types of innovators! Take the poll and discover a bit more about yourself!