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Our aim is to address the high rate of unemployment among individuals and equip younger people with essential study techniques, professional conduct in a work setting, and the ability to craft compelling CVs.

Our Social Issue

Unemployment and Lack of Effective Study and Work Skills


Why We Chose It

We chose the social issue of unemployment and lack of effective study and work skills because of its critical impact on young individuals. Recognizing the challenges many face in securing employment and succeeding in the workplace, we aimed to address these issues early on. We believe that by equipping students with essential skills and knowledge, we can empower them to navigate the job market successfully and foster a culture of academic and professional excellence. Our goal is to create opportunities for individuals to thrive and contribute meaningfully to society.


Our Goal

Our big idea is to address youth unemployment in Ireland. Our goal is to equip young individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge required for job interviews and workplace environments. By offering workshops, advice sessions, and resources, we aim to enhance interview skills, workplace behaviour, and overall employability. Ultimately, we hope to increase the chances of young people securing meaningful employment opportunities, thereby contributing to economic stability and prosperity within our community.

Our Innovative Action

Our actions have been multi-faceted and proactive. We've organized workshops focusing on study skills, workplace etiquette, CV writing, and interview techniques. These workshops aim to provide practical guidance and empower participants with essential skills for academic and professional success. Additionally, we've conducted research to identify specific needs and concerns within our school community. We've utilized social media platforms like Instagram to disseminate content and raise awareness about our project. Our actions are driven by a commitment to addressing unemployment and enhancing study and work skills among students and young adults.

Our Impact

We have made a positive difference by empowering individuals with essential skills and knowledge needed to navigate the challenges of unemployment and academic success. Through our workshops, educational content, and community outreach efforts, we have equipped participants with practical tools for personal and professional growth. By fostering a culture of learning. Our initiatives have promoted greater equality and social inclusion by providing opportunities for all individuals to thrive and contribute meaningfully to society.