To raise awareness about the exclusion of travellers in education and the discrimination they face
Our Social Issue
The Exclusion of Travellers in education

Why We Chose It
We chose this social issue lot of our classmates live in rural areas and are surrounded by Traveller communities we also have classmates who have relatives who are Travellers, so this is an issue very close to our hearts. We have been confronted with the discrimination Travellers face in our everyday lives and have been indirectly impacted by this through family members. We strongly believe that education is a right and we all deserve to feel safe and welcomed in our schools no one should be made to feel that they do not deserve an education.

Our Goal
Our goals for this project is to bring recognition to the Traveller community and the mistreatment and discrimination they face in everyday life but our main focus being in the education system. We hope to educate the uneducated. Educate them about the history of Travellers and their culture and to prove that they deserve an education as much as the next person. Our idea is to create education PowerPoints to educate people about the Traveller community and the unfair treatment they face.

Our Innovative Action
we have created a Power Point presentation to educate and inform the student body on our chosen topic we also sent them home with information packages to educate and inform their parents also. We put up posters with information on our topic and places you can donated and support around the school this allowed the whole student body to view our project. we were then allowed to display our presentation on the plasma screen at the entrance of the the school this allowed anyone even visitors to view our presentation

Our Impact
We have taught and instilled empathy in others and we have educated the student body on our topic. We helped raise awareness in our community about a lesser known topic and helped fight the ignorance that is evident in the general public towards Travellers. we have done this by creating information packages, putting up posters and presenting our Power Point to other class groups.