Our goal is to raise awareness and additional money for the Dundalk Simon community. We want to raise awareness for homelessness in Ireland and donate to make a difference.

Our Social Issue

We chose homelessness and poverty as our social issue. Our goal is to see less poverty and more equality. We hope to contribute to charities that support getting the homeless off the streets and out of poverty, or at least support the homeless by giving spare change to them , such as our chosen charity , the Dundalk Simon Community .

Homeless Helpers/Poverty Preventers!!!

Who We Worked With

For our project , we worked with our teacher . We also got two ladies from the Dundalk Simon Community to come into our school to talk to our class about the affects of homelessness and poverty . We also got the public to help us by donating a couple of extra euro .

Homeless Helpers/Poverty Preventers!!!

How We Communicated

We spread awareness on homelessness , and poverty , at our school open day . We informed parents , students , and the public about our issue . We also set up a bake sale at our school , and spread awareness to students , in our school in a delicious way !

Our Innovative Action and Impact

We talked to parents , students , and future students , about our issue . We also set up a bake sale in the school to raise money for our chosen charity . We also set up a sit-in cafe for our school , along with the rest of our class . I think after actually doing something it motivated us to keep going and try to make a difference .