Our goal is to assist in obtaining a ‘Green schools flag’ for our school We will work together with our green schools committee Green-Schools is Ireland's leading environmental management and education programme for schools. Promoting long-term, whole-school action for the environment Green-Schools is a student-led programme with involvement from the wider community.
Our Social Issue
One social issue we deeply care about is protecting planet Earth. We've only got this one Earth, and we've got to take care of it. We want to see changes happening, like more recycling programs and better practices from both students and staff. It's scary to think about what could happen if we don't start making changes now. We want to see a future where plants animals and nature thrive in our school environment. It's up to us to make a difference, even if we're just students.
Who We Worked With
Our goal is to assist in obtaining a ‘Green schools flag’ for our school We will work together with our green schools committee Green-Schools is Ireland's leading environmental management and education programme for schools. Promoting long-term, whole-school action for the environment Green-Schools is a student-led programme with involvement from the wider community.
How We Communicated
We shared our project with various groups using different communication methods. We presented our ideas and progress to the head office through a detailed presentation, highlighting our goals and strategies. To engage students, we conducted a survey to gather their opinions and suggestions on environmental issues in our school. Our YSI (Young Social Innovators) guide received updates through an interactive workshop on sustainable development goals we completed with her, where we discussed challenges and sought advice. Additionally, we reached out to other schools through Zoom calls, sharing our experiences and receiving feedback on solutions we could use. We did all this with the goal of raising awareness.
Our Innovative Action and Impact
We took several actions to address our social issue of protecting the planet. Firstly, we identified Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) relevant to our cause. We then conducted a survey to assess students' knowledge of recycling, aiming to raise awareness and educate them further. Additionally, we conducted a tally of general waste, recycling, and compost bins in our school to evaluate our waste management system. To promote proper waste disposal, we created detailed posters for each bin, providing information and guidance to everyone in our school community. We also monitored air pollution by performing vehicle counts around our school, raising awareness of the impact of transportation emissions. In efforts to support biodiversity, we planted 500 hedgerows to provide habitats for wildlife. We organised litter picks to clean up our surroundings and created a leaf compost container to reduce organic waste. Furthermore, we have a greenhouse to grow plants, fostering a greener environment. The impact of our actions was significant. Our surveys and educational posters increased awareness and knowledge about recycling and waste management among students and staff. Planting hedgerows contributed to biodiversity conservation, creating habitats for various species. Our efforts in litter picking and composting reduced environmental pollution and promoted sustainable practices within our school community. Overall, our actions demonstrated steps towards protecting the planet and inspiring positive change.