YSI Elevate

YSI Elevate
YSI Elevate is an accelerator initiative and support network that helps young people who want to continue to advance their social innovation projects and continue creating social impact.
A dedicated event inviting high impact project teams, exisitng Elevate members, social entrepreneurs and professionals in various disciplines kicks off the Elevate Network each year. Young people are invited to consider and share their goals and objectives in relation to their social innovations and to outline the particular challenges they are facing which the network then collectively considers and offers advice and guidance.

Young Social Innovators provides opportunities to members of the Elevate Network throughout the year to help them make connections, avail of mentorship and gain awareness for the intiatives they are working on.
If you took part in Young Social Innovators previously and would like to join the YSI Elevate Network, get in touch with us at educate@ysi.ie.