YSI Week

YSI Week
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YSI Week 

YSI Week is a national celebration of youth-led social innovation. Each year, YSI invites teams to celebrate their work by hosting an event or activity in their school, youtreach centre, youth club or local community to showcase the work they are doing. YSI Week can also be used as an opportunity to bring together other young people or groups within the school or organisation to celebrate wider work carried out the area of social innovation and social justice. Participation in YSI Week is optional. The next YSI Week will take place from Monday 31 March -  Friday 4 April.

Are you on our #YSIWeek 2025 Map?

Once you register your YSI Week Activity below, your activity will appear on our dynamic map which we will update daily throughout the week!

How to get involved in YSI Week 2023

If you are hosting an event as part of your YSI project such as a resource launch, a coffee morning, an awareness event, a fundraiser or a briefing session, why not host it during YSI Week?

Branded Resources to Support Your Activity

To help you plan, we’ve created some resources to help you on your way!!!

Simple ideas to inspire your #YSIweek activity

Frequently Asked Questions

#YSIweek is a national celebration of youth-led social innovation, created by Young Social Innovators to showcase the passion, talents and dedication of young people to changing the world for good

Every secondary school in Ireland who is participating in Activate can take part and use the week to showcase and speak out about their social innovations. Use the opportunity to draw in other innovation projects that might be going on which are contributing to building a better, fairer and more caring world. Participation in YSI week is optional. 

1- Register your event or activity with YSI via the online form above 

2 - Be innovative! Do something to celebrate youth social innovation during #YSIweek. You might like to do one or many things across the week; you might like to involve different groups. Whatever you decide, remember to give attention to the issues you care about and let people know your Big Idea for change and what actions you are/can take to make a difference.

YSI Guides and YSI teams should take the lead in organising activities during this week. You can draw in other groups and classes, staff and local groups too. The idea is to promote the important social innovation work being done by you and to gain other people’s attention and support for what you are doing.

No.  #YSIweek is optional and your activity is not connected to the awards selection process. It does, however, give you a chance to make your voice heard and your innovation to have more impact

Absolutely! Why not come together and promote both of your issues at the same time? Alternatively, run a series of activities across the week in your school that incorporate the different themes of each team. You could join together with other schools in your community.