YSI for Educators

YSI for Educators
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YSI for Educators

We know that young people have the potential to make a real difference to the world in which they live by creatively adressing the social issues they see around them. But they cannot do this alone. YSI acknowledges the fundamental role of the educator in the social innovation process.

Although the YSI model of social innovation is youth-led, young people need the support and guidance of their educators to explore the causes and consequences of the issues they choose to tackle and to navigate the sensitivities that may emerge through their exploration.

We call teachers and educators facilitating our programmes with young people 'YSI Guides' to reflect their role in providing guidance and encouragement in a safe and inclusive learning environment while letting the students take the lead. The educator guides students through the social innovation pathway with the help of our world-class resources and with dedicated support from our Education Team.

Our strength is you, the teachers who support young people to get involved and make a difference to the world around them.

YSI offers a range of benefits and opportunities for educators.

Professional Development

Personal Development

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