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Staying Human

Staying Human

Young people across Ireland responded to the YSI Open Call to Teenagers by submitting ideas to help people’ by helping each other and considering individuals and groups in their communities who might need support at this time.

• Emily, 16, from Dublin, came up with the idea to start a drone delivery service for groceries, takeaways and more. Emily notes that this would limit the amount of human interaction required for delivering to vulnerable individuals and reduce the spread of coronavirus.

• Saoirse, 14, from Limerick highlighted the importance of climate action, even in these difficult times. She believes that we must continue to take action on climate change and suggested that some of the habit changes and learnings from the current pandemic provide an opportunity to carry forward a  mindset change that we can utilise to address the climate crisis.

• Orla, 16, from Donegal came up with the idea to organise fresh fruit (and bread) deliveries direct to homes so that people don't have to visit shops as often. Fresh fruit and vegetables are an important part of our daily diet and Orla highlighted that many more people are visiting shops to try to stock up on fresh produce at this time and delivering it would reduce the risk of spreading the virus in local communities.

• Dylan, 12, from Carlow, came up with the idea to create a grocery order service app, where the user could select the online shop they want to shop at and then pick the items they would like to buy. His idea is to make shopping easy by automating ordering, reducing crowding in shops and ensuring it is a more enjoyable experience overall.

• Aiming to support older people at this time, Hannah, 16, from Donegal shared her idea to create a phoneline service, where older people can call and speak to a volunteer. Combating loneliness and preventing the feeling of  isolation, she believes her idea would also be a great way to help people stay connected and it can continue after restrictions are lifted.

• Dermot, 16, from Donegal highlighted the need to keep young people engaged while schooling from home by encouraging teachers to introduce interactive learning activities and reduce the time children spend playing video games during lockdown.

• Abbie, 17, from Donegal, submitted her idea of encouraging teenagers and children to stay connected with their neighbors or grandparents with the use of instruments, singing and letters to put a smile on their faces. She believes that we should all do our bit for each other!

Do you have an idea you’d like to submit?