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Providing Services

Providing Services

Many of the ideas received to the YSI Open Call saw young people considering the various challenges that different individuals and groups are facing as a result of the effects of Covid-19. In response to this, teenagers across Ireland have come up with ideas to provide services to support their communities at this time.

• Louisa, 16, from Dublin saw the effects of current circumstances on the homeless community in her local area and wanted to take action on this. With a goal of provision of basic services and additional supports, Louisa wanted to ensure access to  hand sanitiser and face masks to prevent the spread of coronavirus amongst vulnerable communities.

• Aiming to support Healthcare Workers at this time, Finn, 16, from Dublin, came up with the idea to create a service to connect with local supermarkets to provide groceries and food to essential workers. 

• Kiara, 16, from Donegal suggested a service for families to reduce public transport costs. Kiara believes that this would help families who are struggling financially at this time and enable them to spend their money on essential items.

• Chloe, 16, from Dublin, shared her idea to provide a service for older people, those with an underlying condition or people who cannot leave their homes. These individuals could post a message on a shared platform to make a request - whether that’s groceries, medication or even just a chat - and people in the community could respond and bring it to them.

• Looking at sharing solutions in the public sphere, Mark, 16, from Donegal, shared his idea to create a ‘Public Voice Group’ where members of the public or a selected citizens committee could share their ideas on how to tackle coronavirus, raise awareness about the issues their communities are facing and contribute to government decision making at this time.

• Ava, 16, from Donegal, submitted her idea to have a service where one dedicated person cleaned baskets and shopping trolleys, so that each basket given to a person would have less chances of spreading the virus to others.

• Recognising the input of young people in supporting their communities, Elle, 16, from Down, came up with the idea to create a personal shopping service where young people deliver essential items to households in their local areas, using a volunteer telephone line and scheduling to ensure social distancing. Elle suggests promoting the service through social media, advertising on the local radio stations and leaflets being distributed throughout the area.

Do you have an idea you’d like to submit?